Great Plains Data Feed Into Excel

Microsoft Dynamics GP Forum

Former Member picture

Exporting to Excel from MS GP

Why is it so difficult to export to MS Excel from MS GP?

The smart list is limited and doesn't provide needed information.  I've used old unix software that is easier to export via text files.  I've also used Crystal Reports which works very easily compared to smart list.

Replies (4)

Richard E Wheeler picture

Exporting to Excel from MS GP

What are you trying to export? Do you have Smartlist Builder? With that you can export anything. Otherwise you will to use SSMS.

Former Member picture

Exporting to Excel from MS GP

I'd like to have a decent AR Aging with invoice detail in excel.  I can't even get an AR aging report that is usable.  My previous experience is with E-Automate and Vans 7.0 (legacy).  E-Automate exported all reports to excel very easily then if more data was needed Crystal Reports was easy to get what ever was needed.  Vans went to a text file that could then be converted to excel.  Vans was limited but usable.

The only way I have found to get a decent AR report is through an added on module called Mover's Suite that I create a spreadsheet of all AR data then use a pivot table to convert it to an understandable format.

Basically the same for the AP and trial balances.  I expected MS GP to be able to go direct to excel in everything as they are both by Microsoft.

Richard E Wheeler picture

Exporting to Excel from MS GP

Have you used the SSRS version of the AR TB? With this you can export directly to Excel. If these SSRS have not been installed asked your GP reseller to do so. They produce exactly what you seek.

Béat Bucher picture

Exporting to Excel from MS GP

SSRS is definitely the way to got to create an Aging Report for AR.. And you don't have to re-invent the wheel, as others have been going thru this too:

BTW, just because Microsoft's brand is affixed on both Dynamics GP & Excel doesn't mean that they are working smoothly together, as they were coming from two complete different worlds originally and only got to work together easily about 10 years ago when Microsoft started providing out-of-the-box Excel reports to deploy with GP (about 150+ reports).

The OoB reports have direct data connections to the GP database, which means you can pull data live from the SQL server without even opening GP.. Unfortunately, building an Aging Report is a little more complex and requires stored procedures, which aren't necessarily easy to put in action within Excel.

PS: the Aged TB report in SSRS can be run with or without details about invoices and documents.

Béat Bucher picture

Exporting to Excel from MS GP

SSRS is definitely the way to got to create an Aging Report for AR.. And you don't have to re-invent the wheel, as others have been going thru this too:

BTW, just because Microsoft's brand is affixed on both Dynamics GP & Excel doesn't mean that they are working smoothly together, as they were coming from two complete different worlds originally and only got to work together easily about 10 years ago when Microsoft started providing out-of-the-box Excel reports to deploy with GP (about 150+ reports).

The OoB reports have direct data connections to the GP database, which means you can pull data live from the SQL server without even opening GP.. Unfortunately, building an Aging Report is a little more complex and requires stored procedures, which aren't necessarily easy to put in action within Excel.

PS: the Aged TB report in SSRS can be run with or without details about invoices and documents.


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