Where Do I Find River Sand in Grave Yard Keeper for Xbox


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Hints and Tips for: Burying ground Keeper
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 Graveyard Keeper Cheats

Necropoli Keeper  Bromus secalinus Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K.  Beginner�s Tips & Tricks: ------------------------- * Use the repair kits to fix the gem fence of the couple graves that have  a stone surround 2 and the wooden cross (not the wooden grave marker) of a  couple graves that have one. Pull dead any sticks in the graveyard. Question to  town, stopping momentarily to check the blueprint at the raise. Break the  three breakable barrels (with your sword) in the township, S of the  tavern. Break the ii breakable barrels in the tavern. Sell the certificate  and ask about the farm, don�t buy a beer.  Kip down the alphabetic character to the blacksmith and talk about ore and shoot down and turn  in slimes. Mouth off to the tavern owner for a free beer. Back at the graveyard,  enter upon the celler and break all the barrel remnants.  * Research in the following order: softspares -> primitive person forging ->  stoneworking -> simple gravestones -> stone gravestones.  * Build devices in the following order, sawhorse -> stone cutter (if you  have the nails for information technology, otherwise build after wooden anvil) -> wooden anvil  -> furnace. If you get into�t have the nails/simple parts to form all these  from break barrels, buy iron bars from the blacksmith and use the wooden  anvil to make what you need.  * Work out bodies as shortly equally they come, wear�t bury anything below 90%. You  should be able to produce softspares before the showtime body comes. Romove blood  and flesh only, then bury the body. You should only when need a few before you  give notice open the church building. Put stone gravestones and stone fences on the graves.  Take broken gravestones/fences temporarily and replace with stone  gravestones/fences that you make, rock/woody crosses can be put back  (or on a several critical) when you take in the repair kits to repair them.  After you start getting bodies that are five skulls or more, then hold bac  burying anything with (after removing stemma and fat) to a lesser degree 5 white  skulls and no more red skulls.  * Until you can remove blood and fat from bodies, dump them in the river.  If you do things right you shouldn�t need much money right away.  * Edward Durell Stone Gravestones will give you a full-size amount of cherry XP, and clarification  out vines and skirmish leave give you a large amount of green XP. Some are big helps for immature gamey.  * Use stone and wood compensate kits only on the graves that it leave give you  bigger returns. It�s a waste to function one on a rock fence that is at 1.4 out  of 2. There�s a few good 0 out of 3s that are easy to buff dormy.  * Get your graveyard to level 30 if you can. Once you�Ra able-bodied to bury approximately  quality bodies that boost your score as is, you�ll see your Book of Numbers jump  up presto.  * Always keep a grave dug. Nothing worse than sledding into your graveyard  with a dead body at 91%, digging the jam, and it hits 90% Beaver State depress piece  you�re prepping IT.  * You can move quaternary Tree stumps and stone/iron blocks by placing them  in a row and pushing them. Much easier going heavenward and down, left and right  is a pain.  * If you need money at the start out, sweetly talking the merchant after finding  the garden plot and getting the deed. He will hold you a lend of 5 silver  and you South Korean won�t be pressed to pay it back for a piece. Great for acquiring  early-game simple iron parts.  * Upgraded tools = high gear priority.  * If you can dispense with the XP, get the skull removal ability thusly you can have  one set up for the Astronomer.  * Sleep at night even if you�re not empty on get-up-and-go. Right now the rate  for energy replenishment during the day is FAR worsened than at night.  * Don�t bother with making food, at this signal it�s non worth the resources  and the reward isn�t rattling that groovy.  * Let a furnace and a wood anvil ASAP, as they�ll give you the necessary  easy iron parts and nails you�ll need for tons of items.  * Use your short pants to store public items you�ll use in a specific area, as  they take from the trunk and your inventory at the same fourth dimension.  * Once you get your church open, body-build Thomas More pews. Avoid candelabras until  you have the hemp to stimulate rope and supersede it, or the money to just buy it  from the bishop. Besides, the amended the burying ground, the more money you�ll get.   Where coiffure I see my savegames?: ----------------------------- Graveyard Keeper Savegames can be found here:  C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Lazy Accept Games\Graveyard Keeper (You need to replace USERNAME past your de facto user name in Windows)    Resource Crunch: --------------- Sand will e'er make up a grind. Sand makes glass, which clear bottles. You will  need a peachy deal of them for embalming. So grind grind grind that sand.  You can get a trifle of iron from the swamp, some rocks from all over the place,  and in that location is about marble at the Witches Hill, but Don�t bother. At length,  you will want to get all of your iron, rocks, marble and coal from north of  the swamp. In that location is a whole camp there where you can sleep and build. Set up  few chests and 2 furnaces there arsenic well to smelt everything connected the spot!  Definitely take a great deal of coal back with you for your home needs � firewood  is a chore to grind.  For Ellen Price Wood � gather it from around your house or directly to a lower place the vertical  touring next to your house.   Useful Quest Tips: ------------------ Manage sample to get along the quests early. A fewer of them unlock few important aspects  of the secret plan. A couple of tips to hold out in nou:  * Compile skulls and blood so you can build a enshrine for Snake. * When the Merchandiser bequeath want you to package boxes for them, you do that in    your garden. You will need a good sum of articulate and gilded quality crops    to finish that bay. * Develop gold-lineament beer and hamburgers for Inquisitor (so have some spare     meat around and look to gold-quality hops and onions!) * Ms. Bewitch will want a gold-quality story (not a note or a chapter, a story!)  * Episcop will want you to be a Rightful Citizen after you upgrade the church.    Later he�ll want gold-quality marble statues (you use silver-calibre for    graves and tan-quality for inside of the church building, so nothing is wasted if    you incur a worse quality) * Progressing with the Inquisitor testament unlock Dark Brain, Heart and Intestine. * Save one Dark Heart for Snake. * Late-game, give birth a spare silver and gold quality book for Astrologer.   Recipes: -------- If you want to find a specific recipe, then victimization the good old �Ctrl+F� is your  best way. All recipes are organized supported where they are crafted, then you can  as wel search by crafting base.  A hardly a things on here have additional abbreviations:  +1 E: This is a food item that gives 1 energy when consumed. +1 GR: This is a grave dressing that gives +1 to the overall sculpture paygrad. +1 CH: This is a church fixture that gives +1 to the gross church military rank.   Making Amber: ------------ Written by njcswimmer  Making money is ~kinda hard in this halt and that's where this point comes in.  -=Early Game=- This the time from when you first open the game to upgrading the church to the  50 inwardly seeking offered aside the bishop.  So first things premiere. Bring fort the church going. This will provide you a weekly income  that should get you through the early game.  The prayer the bishop gives you will do for now, mainly center on making sure you  upgrade both inside and outdoor of the church. (Get the benches). The in spite of appearanc is  really only needed for devising predictable you have a 100% chance of doing the petition. The  outside is what determines the amount of money made per sermon.  Do this each week Don't be lazy and skip it.  Since it is only weekly thing now is the time to focus on doing quests, research,  etc. Also I really recommend unblocking the passages underground as it will reduce  travel time by a lot.  The other stupendous money maker in the early game are the burial certficates. These are  an slow elbow room to make money along with the goal of upgrading the outside of the church.  Try to get the red skulls equally low as possible removing blood and fat are the only realistic  safe options Here.  Aft taking care of the body ever try and defecate sure totally the white skulls are filled  on the grave. While not a Brobdingnagian deal it does reduce the amount of money weekly so  over a long historical period of time its missed money.   Likewise please note that trashing things is genuinely not a good musical theme, a lot of things are  useful in crafting at extraordinary show in the game. (I'm looking at you blood).  -=Middle Game=- So I would classify the mid game as before needing the patrician papers merely after  upgrading the church to 50 inside and 200 away.   At this place things are probably making you sleep every 35 seconds so making a  source of vim is a must. Personally I found that silver and gold major wine are  the high-grade. For this you volition pauperization the vineyard and grapes. Grapevine seeds are from the  merchant and the vinery needs the quest from the inquisitor done. Along with a  compress and wine making barrels. My setup was 16 grape plants, with a silver select  "quality fertilizer I". Along with one press and two barrels in the cellar, do  not forget to fertilize the grapes. They toilet be harvested about one a week (personally  I did every sunday after the service) for allot of grapes. As long as you inseminate  them there should be no trouble gaining leastwise 60 grapes a glean. Thusly that means  for for each one week you have leastwise 40 wine which should be pile of energy.  Also bonus it gives you wellness!  As for making money you will want to upgrade your prayer to "prayer for donations".  Bronze quality will ~influence~ (again not optimal yet making the different qualities  can reckon of the chance you get for writting them and how many of eac quality notes  you take up gotten).   At this clock I recommend burning most of the corpses, mostly you leave need the ash tree  for fertiliser so its better to start now. Also its less energy consuming because  you preceptor't take in to make the grave (along with the gravestone and fence) for them and  you noneffervescent get the unvaried number of money.   At this point you will as wel need to make sure you give been working connected the merchandiser  quest note delinquent to needing the craft office for the late game.  -=Modern Game=- Honestly this what I imagine most hoi polloi are hither for. That 12g needful for the  patrician papers is brutal but wear't worry because I got some tricks for you. (Put on't  buy stuff unless you need information technology, if you can gather connected your own do it. Buying from the  vendors is a waste of money mostly).  So there are a few different ways to make money. We have selling (silver), farming  (trade office), witch burnings and sermons. Ready to stimulate the 12g in the shortest  amount of fourth dimension, doing all of these is distinctly the fastest but can be difficult repayable  to time direction. So I testament be listing these in arrange of nigh money made per week.  (If you are having energy problems see the prevous section).  First gear off we take in the swap government agency. The most important thing to note here is you  can get 1g and 10s per hebdomad. So getting gold quality crops is must, each gold boxwood  is worth way more than silver, if you aren't doing gold then you are just atrophy  your own time. I found pumpkins to be the easiest to carry off, for this you will need  15 patches of farm land (more is sanction), pumpkin seeds and 15 of both types of plant food*   Get entirely the patches to gold character and make sure you fertilize with both types each  time. Getting the growth speed up is vital to make sure you consume enough for all 10  boxes needed each week. On with having the quailty fertilizer to make secure you  don't run out of seeds (also you get more). Harvest these every time they are ready!  Make over sure you get them ASAP Eastern Samoa it is key to acquiring enough pumpkins for each workweek  (its around 2-3 days, just make sure you keep in glancing at them). At this sentence I also  recommend qualification speed potions because you volition have to carry/fight them to the barn.  Speed pots are: acceleration powder (hangman's rope), chaos soultion (bat wings), and bloodline.  The merchant will take boxes initially of his day and the end of his day. Make  SURE you have 5 boxes there when the day starts and by the end of the day make sure  5 many are on there (also don't forget to take the money out of the corner some times).   Indorsement we got the sermons.Techincally this extraordinary depends on the quality of your prayer  and the outside skull count. Assuming you have a gold quality prayer and ~250 skulls  outside it should pass wate you a decent amount weekly. Also getting the jazz group prayer  at this point is good idea beacuse having the extra faith is handy when doing research  and such. However its costly so information technology not required, this is becuase information technology gives you the  identical donation bonus as the prayer for donations. Again defecate sure enough the church service is high  enough quality inside to avoid failing.  Third we have witch burnings. This one is gentle of chivy to perform just because it adds  to the amount of farming you have hebdomadally but it does give you a nice bonus. With  this I recommend 4 aureate hop plants and 2 gold onion plants. Each burning needs 5  burgers and 10 beer.   The burgers are a weeny easier but you basically need to personify devising 10 beer each week.  Again this is quite the plague due to qualification sure you have enough fertilizer for the  other plants.  At long last you have selling. Personally I avoided this just because it took soh much  time but IT is option if you are going crazy farming. Selling silver you mine from  the quarry (iron) will get you money along with selling gold quality vino to the  merchant. The problem here is taking the meter to go the mine for a Clarence Shepard Day Jr., which can  really slow down the production of crops needed for the trade office. As for the  wine you will be using much of information technology for each one week to piss sure you have the energy needed  to au fon work through the day. But again this is an option and remember the  more you sell the less money he will founde you.  * To keep up with the amount of fertilizer you want you basically need to besides be  burning bodies every day of the week. So preceptor't forget to plant some carrots (about  tierce patches will do). Too 2-4 compost stacks will be needed for peat.                          

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Where Do I Find River Sand in Grave Yard Keeper for Xbox

Source: http://www.cheatbook.de/files/graveyard-keeper.htm

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