Can You Split Desmume Screens Into 2 Windows

  1. About DeSmuME
  2. Downloading DeSmuME
  3. Installation
  4. Setting upwards the keyboard or gamepad
  5. Loading a game
  6. LCD layouts
  7. Total screen
  8. Magnification filter (screen filters)
  9. Upscaling 3D graphics
  10. Save states
  11. Q: I get save land errors!
  12. Fast forrard
  13. Capturing screenshots
  14. Recording AVI movies
  15. Q: MSVCP100.dll was non found?
  16. Q: Can I transfer my saves to another emulator?
  17. Q: DeSmuME isn't saving anything!
  18. Finding ROMs

About DeSmuME

This tutorial is to help you with DeSmuME for Windows. DeSmuME is the #ane emulator for Nintendo DS. Information technology has the usual bundle of features we expect from an emulator. Information technology specially offers some practiced options for working with the DS's dual screens on a single computer monitor. Its game compatibility is cracking and continually improving. The latest versions of DeSmuME added 3D upscaling and performance uses less CPU/GPU resources.

Downloading DeSmuME

Downloading DeSmuME is confusing. The first matter you see when y'all visit their homepage is a blog postal service from 2022 saying the v0.nine.11 'stable version' was released. Still, when you go to their Downloads page you see a bulletin maxim "Don't download the v0.9.11 stable release because it's old from 2015!"

Rather, their Downloads folio directs you to their automated builds page (as shown in this picture ). From this page you can download the latest version of DeSmuME. It's weird and confusing, I know. But you must download this 'automatic builds' version because there have been significant improvements since v0.9.11.


DeSmuME is a standalone program so it does not accept an install wizard. Installation is unproblematic:

  1. Motion the DeSmuME EXE (DeSmuME's EXE) to a common folder on your computer. I recommend Documents, Downloads, or a folder on your desktop.
  2. In the location where you make up one's mind you want to place DeSmuME, create a new folder for DeSmuME.
  3. In this new folder, double-click on DeSmuME's EXE to open DeSmuME. The first time you lot open up DeSmuME, it'll automatically create a bunch of folders for Battery, Cheats, Roms, Screenshots, and StateSlots.

Setting upwards the keyboard or gamepad

Click on Config > Control Config, every bit shown here . You'll end up here:

DeSmuME's Controller Configuration

These are the keyboard keys currently gear up to the dissimilar buttons of the virtual Nintendo DS gamepad. To reconfigure a button to another keyboard key or a gamepad button, just click on it (notice the green highlight) and press the new keyboard key or gamepad button. There's no auto-configuration so if you desire to reconfigure all buttons you need to do it one at a time.

Loading a game

DeSmuME's folder has a folder chosen "Roms." I recommend tossing your games in this folder, but y'all don't have to. Go along in heed that DeSmuME supports loading ROMs in all the pop compression formats: ZIP, RAR, 7Z, GZ. In particular, 7Z is the most popular format ROM sites like to utilise for distributing Nintendo DS ROMs. So you don't demand to extract the ROM prior to using it with DeSmuME.

To load a game:

Loading a game in DeSmuME

  1. Click on File > Open ROM, or press Ctrl+O.
  2. The "Open up" window will pop up with the "Roms" folder in view. From this window click on the game you want to play, then click Open - as shown here .
  3. The game will brainstorm playing immediately.

LCD layouts

Given the nature of the Nintendo DS having 2 screens, that can make Nintendo DS emulation a bit awkward. Fortunately, DeSmuME gives you options. Y'all can change the organisation of the 2nd screen. You lot can even hide it and so you can blow upwardly the main screen. View examples below.

The different LCD layouts

Y'all tin can change the LCD layout by going to View > LCDs layout, equally shown beneath:

Rearranging the LCD layout

Given that all modern monitors are widescreen, your best bet would be to change the layout to Horizontal.

Total screen

Press Alt+Enter to enter total screen. Press Alt+Enter again to become dorsum to window mode. Note that you can't use the meridian bill of fare in full screen mode; you'd need to return to window mode to admission it.

Magnification filter (screen filters)

Magnification filters enhance graphics to make them expect better than the real thing! You can admission this characteristic by clicking on View > Magnification Filter, then select a filter - as shown here .

Upscaling 3D graphics

Comparison between normal 3D and upscaled 3D

The latest versions of DeSmuME added the power to upscale 3D graphics. It'southward an awesome feature! If you're using DeSmuME v0.nine.eleven or older, it's time to get the latest so you lot tin can use this feature. Hither's how to enable information technology:

  1. Open a game with 3D graphics and have a scene with 3D graphics showing on the screen. You'll need this to access how much 3D upscaling your computer can handle.
  2. Get to Config > 3D Settings.
  3. At the 3D Settings screen:
    The 3D Settings
    Await at the two spots I circled. Change the "3D Rendering Engine" to OpenGL. This gives DeSmuME a pocket-size boost in speed.
  4. Next, in "GPU Scaling Cistron" increase information technology to two. Click OK and see how well your game is running with the upscaled 3D. If all is good, get back to the 3D Settings and increase "GPU Scaling Factor" to 3. Then check your game. Keep doing this until the game starts running wearisome. Then you'll know how much your computer can handle.

Relieve states

Save states is a feature that saves the exact spot you are in any game. You tin use this feature manually by going into the File menu or by quick keyboard shortcuts.

Using the save state feature via the File menu

DeSmuME offers two ways to use save states. You lot have quick saves and salvage state files.

Quick saves

If you want instant gratification, quick saves are the instant saving you want.

  • Capturing a quick relieve: To capture a quick save get to File > Save Country and choose a slot. DeSmuME lets you salve upwardly to 10 dissimilar saves (10 different slots). The keyboard shortcut for saving a quick salvage in slot 1 is Shift+F1.
  • Loading a quick save: To load a quick salve that y'all previously saved, go to File > Load State and cull the slot of the save you want to load (if you recall which one it is). The keyboard shortcut for loading a quick save from slot 1 is F1.

Save state files

These saves crave an extra step just allow you to save a state every bit a file with a custom name.

  • Capturing a salve state: To capture a salve state go to File > Save State As. Blazon in a proper noun for the save then click Salvage or press the Enter key.
  • Loading a save state: To load a relieve country that y'all previously saved, go to File > Load State From. Select the save you want to load. Note that DeSmuME can only load DeSmuME salvage states; not salve states from other emulators. Too, it tin can only load a relieve land from a specific ROM. For example, if you take the North American version of Final Fantasy IV and you endeavour to load a salvage country from the Great britain version, it won't piece of work.

Q: I get save land errors!

Kickoff, let's get through the checklist:

  • Is this salve state from some other emulator other than DeSmuME? If yep, that'due south why information technology'south not working. DeSmuME merely accepts DeSmuME salve states.
  • Are you trying to load a salve country from a unlike game or different region of a game? If yes, that's why it'due south non working. If you captured a save state from North American Final Fantasy Four, it will only work with North American Terminal Fantasy Four.

Are y'all skilful on the above bullet points? The merely fix for save land errors is to brand certain you're using the latest version of DeSmuME. Older versions of DeSmuME were prone to requite errors with save states. DeSmuME is normally practiced at loading salve states from older versions of DeSmuME. The newest DeSmuME may reject relieve states from actually old versions of DeSmuME.

Fast forwards

Fast forrad is the characteristic that speeds up the game. To access it, printing the Tab key. Hold it down and let become until yous want the fast forwarding to end.

If you lot desire a permanent mode to enable fast forward, you lot tin practice and then by pressing the "+" cardinal several times. This volition increase the frame charge per unit. Pressing "-" will lower the frame rate back to normal speed.

Capturing screenshots

While a game is open, just press Ctrl+F12 to capture a screenshot. If you want to give the screenshot a custom filename, press F12 instead. You tin also access these function via the File bill of fare .

DeSmuME will relieve the screenshot as a PNG and toss it in the "Screenshots" folder. Note that it will save the screenshot in its original 1x1 size and use the vertical LCD layout.

Recording AVI movies

Want to upload your own Nintendo DS gameplay videos to YouTube? Well, DeSmuME will let you capture them! Here's how you do information technology:

  1. Play a game upwardly to the indicate yous want to beginning recording.
  2. Go to File > Tape AVI.
  3. DeSmuME volition prompt you with the Save As window . Where I have the scarlet outline, enter the name yous would similar for your movie clip, then click Save.
  4. DeSmuME will prompt yous with the Video Compression window . Get out it as "Full Frames (Uncompressed)" and click OK.
  5. The recording begins. DeSmuME will be running a bit sluggish. Don't worry! That doesn't mean your pic will come out the aforementioned way. When you're ready to finish the recording, go to File > Stop AVI.
  6. That's it! :) When y'all play your movie, yous'll come across that DeSmuME rendered information technology in its 1x1 size and with the vertical LCD layout.

Converting AVI movies

YouTube won't accept a problem playing your video after y'all upload it. But, even so if you desire to edit your AVI recording in a video editor, information technology might be rejected and not work. In that case, just catechumen your AVI recording to a more compatible format such equally MP4. A cracking, costless video converter is Miro Video Converter. With Miro, all you need to do is drag the AVI over to it, select Format > Video > MP4, and click Catechumen.

Q: MSVCP100.dll was not institute?

Upon opening DeSmuME, if you receive this error:

The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP100.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

You're using the sometime version of DeSmuME from 2022 aren't y'all (version 0.9.eleven). You need to utilise the latest version. Downloading the latest version can exist confusing - I explain how to exercise it in Downloading DeSmuME.

Q: Tin I transfer my saves to some other emulator?

DeSmuME lets you save your game in ii ways:

  1. State States: DeSmuME'southward salvage states are exclusive to DeSmuME then they cannot be transferred to other Nintendo DS emulators.
  2. Saved RAM: This is the internal save in games. They have a DSV file extension. View this for a clearer picture show . DSV files can be transferred to other Nintendo DS emulators that also utilize the DSV format.

Q: DeSmuME isn't saving annihilation!

If y'all're using DeSmuME for the beginning time and you're finding that yous take all these problems:

  1. Save states aren't working. You salve a country, and then when you lot try to reload it zero happens.
  2. When yous save your game at a save betoken and close/re-open up DeSmuME, you notice that the salvage is lost.
  3. Emulator configurations that yous changed such as adding a magnification filter aren't saved. When you close/re-open DeSmuME, y'all have to brand those configuration changes over again.

Then your problem is that you currently have DeSmuME in a read-just location on your computer. You must move DeSmuME to a more than common location such as Documents, Downloads, or a folder on your desktop.

Finding ROMs

In my links page, I take some good links to sites where yous can download ROMs. If you want to try to find more sites than what's in my collection of links, just Google effectually. For case, if you want to download New Super Mario Bros just Google "download new super mario bros nds".


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