Baby Weight Is 4.12 Oz in 35 Weeks

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4.5 pounds at 35 weeks

Had an ultrasound yesterday and baby looked like he's doing good but is 4.5 small for 35 weeks? Don't have my next apt till next wed.


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Is that small for 35 weeks it's supposed to say

My baby weighed 4 pounds 13 ounces at our 34 week ultrasound. Hes below the 50 percentile so he's a little small. My doctor said he should weigh around 7 pounds at birth if I make it to 40 weeks. Hope that helps

Ultrasounds are just a very educated guess of what baby is and is going to be as far as weight goes. Some people are told that baby will be 10 lbs but they come out on time as 8 lbs and vice versa.

My baby weighed 3lb 12oz  33w1d and according to their data it was the 26%tile.  If a baby gains around .5 lb a week that would put her close to 4.5 pounds. Its not concerning until weight is <10th percentile. It also depends on how the rest of baby is measuring. I have my next scan Thursday. Ill be 36w2d its been one hell of a wait. Her abdominal circumference was <5%tile

My baby has been measuring small. They measured her about yesterday and she was 4lbs 10oz at 35 weeks. They said she's only in the 4th percentile but the bio physicals I get twice a week all look good and she's just going to be a small baby. I'm getting induced at 38weeks.


that's good! Im wondering if maybey they will take him early if he's not growing a lot.

Mine was 4lbs 12 ops and she said 45th percentile so who knows?

My baby weighed 4.15 at 32 weeks

I had one last night at 35 weeks 4 days. Baby was estimated to be 6lbs 10oz

I just had my baby at 34w6d... The estimated weight via the ultrasound the night my water broke was 5lbs, 5oz. She was born 5lbs even.

My son is weighing at 4.7lbs as of 35w4d. I'm being induced due to it. My uterus had stopped growing so baby can't grow anymore. Ill be giving birth to my handsome man at 37 weeks now! I'm nervous & excited at the same time!

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Baby Weight Is 4.12 Oz in 35 Weeks


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